Last week, Sandler Training hosted the world’s top leadership, management, and sales professionals at a summit in Orlando Florida. More than 1,200 people joined Sandler in the sun to learn about sales and leadership, share best practices, and further our knowledge of how to succeed.
The conference was incredible. From the opening video eliciting goosebumps to the #SandlerSummit trending nationally on Twitter with over 3.5 Million views, the room was electric. I have come away with so many notes and action items, but I have highlighted the top 3 lessons learned from last week.
If you were with us in Florida – we would love to hear yours! Share them in the comments below or use #HowToSucceed on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter.
1. Embrace a child-like mindset.
Children have limited fear of failure and are not afraid to believe something is possible without it having been proved to them. As adults, we rationalize things too easily and hold ourselves back. Suspend your disbelief and think, “what if this could be done?”
2. Always be learning.
I get asked to do a lot of talks at conferences, meetings, and events, which I love, and afterwards people always queue up to ask me some questions. I had forgotten how great it is to be in the learner’s seat – I could sit back and listen unbiased and enjoy the ride. The switch from expert to pupil has greatly benefitted me and I will do this more often. I think our clients get the same benefit. By shutting down the business mind for a couple of day, focusing on being the learner, and working on your business, you can create the room to think and grow.
3. Take the time to find your energy.
We all know there are tasks that motivate us and other that we would rather avoid, but how often do we take notice and make a list of all the things that energize us? We can then take it a step further back and put these into context in your day. Are there certain times of the day or tasks when everything feels harder than it should? Or, are there times when you feel like you can take on any challenge and work for hours on a task without losing energy? Okay, so it might just be the caffeine kicking in, but I am on a journey to find out.
This year’s theme was Vision Driven Success, and I am on a mission to find my vision, passion and purpose, and then figure out how to use it to drive my goals, commitment and success.
You are welcome to join me, and you are welcome to join all of us at next year’s Sandler Annual Sales and Leadership Summit in Orlando, FL – March 14-16.
Register now to take advantage of the early bird special!