April 24, 2014 by Mike Montague in Professional Development

What do successful professionals do that amateurs don't?
Certainly there are many that could fall into this category, but right now we'll focus on four habits that could make the greatest impact on your career.
Study – Professionals are not born, they are made. Some may have a natural gift, but most maximize that talent by studying history, best practices and innovative techniques. There are plenty of talented individuals who never accomplish anything. Professionals often spend hours to years studying before engaging in their profession to ensure their success.
Practice – Like David Sandler taught, in his book "You Can't Teach a Kid to Ride a Bike at a Seminar," you can't learn how to do anything by merely studying. You have to practice. Doctors, athletes and other types of distinguished professionals spend countless hours practicing before they are called upon to perform. How do you get to Carnegie Hall, the Masters, the Olympics or whatever is the top of your profession? Practice, practice, practice.
Invest in themselves –True professionals bet on and invest in themselves. They don't wait for their parents, employer or anyone else to invest in them. Professionals continue their education beyond the classroom and invest in workshops, seminars, books, coaches and other resource that will advance their learning. They take responsibility for their own education and personal growth.
Follow a system – Finally, professionals don't just show up and wing it. They have a system that's repeatable and reproducible – and leads to predictable success. To outsiders, if sometimes looks like superstition or obsessive compulsive disorder, but professionals know that only by following the proven system can they expect consistent success. Amateurs sometimes think it is luck when they win or lose. Successful professionals make their own luck, and they know that fortune favors the prepared.
Successful professionals know that there is no magic bullet or shortcut to get to the top. They don't waste their time with such things. They are too busy learning, practicing, refining their system and investing in their own success.
What do you think are some additional habits of successful people
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