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Mike Montague

The intensity of this time of year can make selling for a living feel a bit like the playoff season! Here’s three proven strategies you and your team can use to close more sales opportunities, set the right end-of-the-year game plan, and make the final “inning” of your team’s fiscal year pay off.

Here are three simple things you can do, starting today, that will immediately upgrade your 30-second commercial.

Sales has traditionally been an intuition-driven profession. Today, adopting that approach is a major competitive disadvantage.


Here’s the LinkedIn® Levers tool, a focused, user-friendly checklist that helps you to get the most out of your connections on LinkedIn. Put it to work every day!


You may not realize it, but your team’s CRM can help you to overcome the “winging it” problem, standardize your team’s sales process, speed up sales cycles, improve close ratios, and increase revenue.

High performance sales teams we work with are adopting a hybrid selling approach to leverage the best practices of both in-person and virtual selling.


Sales coaching is the process of developing and mentoring a salesperson through one-on-one relationships with a manager or peer.

In an enterprise sale, where there are lots of moving parts, things can get complicated. Here are four best practices we share with our clients.