June 23, 2010 by Sandler in Customer Relationships

If your sales objective is to make the sale regardless, get the biggest order possible and structure the best deal for your company, then your entire focus is really on you.
Many salespeople will say and do almost anything to make the sale. Too few will take the time to fully understand the prospect's real needs and desired outcomes, and show the concerns (or courage) to present the best fit solution that perhaps doesn't always represent a big win for them. They trade a potential long-term relationship, repeat sales and referrals for a quick and often one-time sale and then wonder why customer loyalty is so hard to come by.
However, when your objective is to help your prospect get their needs met and put their most important needs first-congratulations. You now see the prospect as a real client with long-term relationship potential. When you put your prospect's needs ahead of your own, it makes them more open to do business with you. Also, you gain a new perspective on what prospects want and why they act the way they do.
Top salespeople consider the lifetime value (LTV) of their prospects, not just the next pay period or the next commission check. When you place the LTV of a prospect first, your entire approach and attitude toward them automatically puts their needs and interests ahead of your own. It will also change your strategic approach to how you work with them.
Begin the approach to your prospect by considering their LTV, including potential referral business, and you'll find your "trusted advisor" role becomes much easier to achieve
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