Every year, over a thousand of the world’s top sales, leadership, and management professionals come together for two and a half incredible days of training and networking at the Sandler Summit. This year, we will share ideas, celebrate each other’s successes, and challenge each other to take our game to the next level at the elegant Rosen Centre in Orlando, Florida. If you are a Sandler client, and you’ve never attended a Summit, let me share four powerful reasons to consider joining us in Florida March 20-22.
Reason Number One: You’ll get to see the Sandler methodologies through the eyes of others. Connecting with other people who use the Sandler principles on a daily basis is incredibly valuable, for one simple reason: Sandler isn’t a script. It’s not something you memorize and execute verbatim. Instead, it’s a conversational sales and management model. Each person who uses it successfully does so by adapting the Sandler methodologies to his or her own personal style. So even if you feel comfortable and familiar with core Sandler concepts, such as the Up-Front Contract, seeing others apply the tactics is invigorating and powerful. You get to see how others use the system in their day-to-day lives, and may even pick up new and possibly more effective ways of implementing things you already know.
Reason Number Two: You’ll get exposure to topics that aren’t covered in the local training centers. At the Summit, we make a point of addressing cutting-edge topics, issues, and questions that typically aren’t covered during sessions with your local Sandler trainer. The leadership, recruiting, and teambuilding discussions at the Summit are specifically designed to give sales leaders an edge that they simply can’t get anywhere else.
Reason Number Three: It’s a great way to jump-start your team. You and your team will spend two and a half days immersed in Sandler content, outlook, and tactics. At the end of those that time, you’ll have an incredibly powerful list of action items with a clear return on investment that you can focus on implementing together, and you will have an even longer list of shared insights, experiences, and mutual brainstorms arising from your time at the Summit. The shared experience and resulting action items will mobilize your team, focus them, and bring them together in a way they’ve never experienced before.
Reason Number Four: The Summit reviews have been stellar. Hubspot recently selected the Sandler Summit as one of the top sales conferences in the country. So did Continu. And judging by this by this video, our clients are pretty excited about the event, too. We’re flattered by the positive response, and we think you will agree that the Summit is something special.
We hope to see you in Orlando! To register, click here!