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Customer Journey

There are four predictable steps that impact all major purchase decisions. Do you know what they are?

In an article originally published at for the Forbes Business Development Council, Sandler CEO and President David Mattson details the modern buyer’s journey.

There’s been a lively debate among sales leaders in recent years and it centers on a big question: Has the digital selling environment we are all now operating in brought about a fundamental change in what it means to be a professional salesperson?


Are “Relationships” really relevant to the sales profession?


In order to combat this frustration and fear of product obsolescence, producers offer you over-the-air updates that upgrade your product’s software to perform new tasks and make your user experience, in general, more satisfying.


“If you don’t know where you are going, any road can take you there.” ― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland 

Some businesses and leaders act like trail leaders. They research their maps and information about an area they plan to explore. They plan their travels well when hiking a path through the wilderness.