April 17, 2014 by Daryl Burgess in Self Development

High-performing sales teams are led by strong sales managers who embody leadership skills that motivate and empower the team. Exceptional sales professionals display certain traits that allow them to stand out from the rest and achieve great sales success.
Since 1967, Sandler Training has trained sales professionals to be mindful of their behaviors, attitudes and techniques when prospecting and negotiating. While Sandler witnessed many professionals transform, there were always certain characteristics that "the greats" possessed in addition to the skills learned through continuous training and reinforcement.
Ask yourself the following questions to determine whether or not you have what it takes to be great.
Do I build good rapport? This might go without saying but the best salespeople are people that can relate to other people. They come across as genuine, they're natural and they put people at ease. As Sandler teaches, people want to do business with people that are like themselves.
Am I goal focused? Long-term goals are important, but what really drives salespeople is the focus on daily activities that are in direct relationship to the results in which they are in pursuit. They understand that it is the daily "behaviors" that are critical to delivering the results.
Am I curious? Sandler devotees know - a salesperson's job is to find the compelling, emotional reason for the problem and match that "pain" to a solution. We discover the pain by asking questions and listening because sometimes the prospect hasn't accurately identified their pain or are not yet comfortable sharing it.
Do I listen? A keystone to the Sandler Training methodology is listening. The Prospect should be doing 70% of the talking while the salesperson is actively listening and searching for the pain.
How motivated am I? Being self motivated is essential to finding success as a sales professional. Since a salesperson's income is largely based on their ability to find and close new business, success usually comes to those who are diligent and focused.
Do I seek out challenges? Sometimes in sales, it's about being fearless and going after challenges. Whether it's going after a prospect that's been on your radar or taking on a vertical that's completely new to you, having the ability to put yourself in new situations and enter unchartered waters will serve a salesperson well throughout their career. As Sandler teaches, No Guts, No Gain!
Can you name more characteristics of successful salespeople that set them apart from mediocre salespeople? What are some traits of top salespeople that you wish you had to complement your sales approach
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