You heard it. The prospect said no. After all of your hard work, your probing questions, the fight to get the meeting in the first place, the prospect said no. That's the end of the sales process, and you've somewhat succeeded in a sense that you at least got an answer. It's not a "yes," but your job is technically done now, right?
According to Sandler Rule #39, you should think again. The post-decision selling process is something that most sales training methodologies do not adequately address. Watch as Sandler trainer John Rosso explains how when you hear "no," that doesn't mean the window is completely shut on your opportunity. Simply ask the prospect "Now that it's over, is it okay if I ask you a few questions?" They view this as a non-threatening request, their guard is down, and you have another shot at describing everything they've told you and essentially playing the role of a consultant who was hired by them to find a problem. You've found the problem, and (hopefully) you have the solution. Spell it out for them, and it may be that your window is just opening-not closing.