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A big part of the sales leader’s job is to determine the measurable behaviors that will lead to success for a given salesperson, and to evaluate the numbers that connect to those behaviors.


The Sandler Research Center surveyed sales leaders and sales managers in Q4 2020 to gauge the impact of the global pandemic on sales processes and operations across a variety of industries.


When you’re in the middle of a prospecting discussion – that is, when you’re initiating the first real-time voice-to-voice engagement with a possible buyer – what is your goal?


The best negotiators always start negotiation by negotiating with themselves. One of the communication tools that will help you better understand yourself and how others communicate with you is called DISC.


Many mentors (and mentees) resist asking an all-important question about the sales leader’s role: “Where are things most likely to go wrong?” And the answer is: “Wherever people are assuming that they already have all the answers.”


Keeping a client is typically ten times cheaper and easier than finding a new one. Here are five powerful behaviors you can build into your account plan to support better, more profitable, and more loyal business relationships.


Mike Montague interviews Janice Lintz on How to Succeed at Changing the World.


To celebrate episode #500 and over 2 million total downloads, we flip the tables to get Mike Montague’s top lessons learned from hosting the show!


Here are eight powerful strategies for more effective listening during conversations with prospects.


Recently, the Sandler Research Center set out to discover current operation challenges and changes faced by sales leaders in a more digitally oriented selling environment.